ADHD Evaluation

Our Comprehensive ADHD Evaluation for children or adults will establish the diagnosis, rule out other causes, and determine the presence or absence of coexisting conditions.  Extensive recommendations for help and support are also provided.  Our assessment has been developed to screen for a wide range of factors that can impact attention, concentration, impulsivity, hyperactivity, and the learning process in order to more accurately identify the possible presence of ADHD.

When to Consider Evaluation

While anyone may display behaviors that could be associated with ADHD at one time or another, the criteria for diagnosing ADHD are very specific and should be assessed by a health professional.  Generally speaking, behaviors must be more frequent and more severe than one’s peers and present since childhood.  These behaviors must significantly impair functioning at home, school, work, or in social settings.  When evaluation is indicated, we can assess children as young as 5 years old through adults.

Components of our Assessment

Developmental, educational, medical, and family history
Review of medical and academic records
Multiple behavioral surveys and rating scales from home and school
Clinical interview
Behavioral observations
Classroom observation if indicated
Tests of:

  • Attention (selective attention, sustained attention, alternating and divided attention)
  • Executive functions (self-regulation, inhibitory control, task monitoring, working memory, problem solving, planning and organization)
  • Intellectual functioning
  • Achievement (reading, math, written language)
  • Auditory processing (screening)
  • Phonological processing and phonological awareness
  • Visual perceptual processing and visual motor skills
  • Behavioral and emotional functioning

We are available to consult with school personnel, physicians, and others as needed.  We will participate in school meetings at your request and provide you with professional referrals when appropriate.  In addition, follow-up clinical services, including individual, parent, and family counseling, are available through the office of Dr. Jeffrey A. Fine Associates.

Getting Started
  • Call us at 215-860-1144 ext. 0
  • Speak with Dr. Fine to help you determine the type of evaluation that will best fit your needs
  • Dr. Fine will then direct you to one of the experienced doctoral level licensed psychologists on staff best suited for your needs who will perform the evaluation and advise you throughout the process
  • At the feedback session your psychologist will conduct an in-depth discussion, providing you with an understanding of your/your child’s needs, as well as thorough, specific, and useful recommendations
  • You will receive a comprehensive and detailed written report